If you have ever wondered why your lavender dies so easily in the states, that is because it is originally a Mediteraean plant (some Mediteraean countries are Albania, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Lebanon, Morocco, Slovenia, Spain, Syria, Turkey). Most Mediteraean locations are on the dryer side, and this is why lavender does not like “wet feet.” The “feet” of a plant is it’s roots, so this means that lavender does not like a lot of water around the roots.
If you live in an area with a lot of rainfall, then it is possible your lavender is being over watered. It is best to water every couple of weeks during the very hot summer months (in areas with lots of rainfall). It also requires full sun. If you are growing your lavender inside, then place it in your home that gets the most sunlight.
Lavender has been used for thousands of years as a medicinal herb. It can be used to mitigate stress and help with relaxation, which can ultimately help with sleep (for those with sleeping problems) Our customers have reported that our lavender sachet bags have helped them sleep, which is fantastic to hear! We love knowing that our products can help! Sachet bags are used for aromatherapy, which can also help with headaches, exhaustion, and anxiety (which is why it can calm the body and ultimately the mind).
Lavender oil can also benefit other ailments such as skin conditions involving fungal infections, wounds, eczema, and even acne! Lavender can also be used in baths to sooth joint and muscle pain. Lavender can also be utilized in numerous other applications like in honey, soaps, lotions, tea, sugar, oils (like cooking oil but only the English lavender variety), pet products, and so much more! Try our lavender in our lavender section! More products to come soon! If you have further questions about lavender or our products, please let us know!
WebMD. (n.d.). Lavender: Health benefits, safety information, dosage, and more. WebMD. Retrieved March 3, 2023, from